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Aiming for Recognition Awards in SEND

by | Oct 20, 2023

Remember those days of treasure hunts, where you had a map and embarked on quests to unearth hidden treasures? Awareness weeks are similar – they’re our opportunity to unveil the gems of knowledge, understanding, and empathy hidden in the sands of daily hustle. Whether it’s Autism Awareness Week, Dyslexia Awareness Week, or Mental Health Awareness Week, each one offers a goldmine of opportunities. Grab your compass and shovel, and let’s dive into this exploratory adventure!


The Importance of Awareness Weeks for SEND


  1. Breaking Stereotypes


Awareness weeks challenge misconceptions, helping society understand the strengths, challenges, and diverse experiences of SEND individuals.


  1. Providing Education


These weeks become a focal point for sharing information, resources, and strategies related to specific conditions or challenges.


  1. Building Empathy


By sharing real-life stories and experiences, awareness weeks humanise SEND, cultivating empathy and understanding.


  1. Celebrating Diversity


SEND is a spectrum. Awareness weeks help in recognising, valuing, and celebrating the myriad ways each individual contributes to the school and broader community.


How Schools Can Participate in Awareness Weeks


  1. Host Informative Assemblies


Bring in guest speakers or showcase student presentations to shed light on specific SEND conditions.


  1. Engage in Classroom Activities


Teachers can integrate themed activities or lessons that align with the awareness week topic, ensuring learning is both engaging and enlightening.


  1. Foster Peer Inclusion


Organise peer buddy systems or inclusive play sessions to promote understanding and friendships between SEND and non-SEND students.


  1. Parental Involvement


Host workshops or send out resource packs for parents, helping them understand and support the theme of the awareness week.


  1. Collaborate with Local Communities


Partner with local organisations, charities, or support groups to amplify impact and share resources.


Planning for Awareness Weeks


  1. Calendar Marking


Note down relevant awareness weeks in advance. This ensures adequate preparation time and maximises impact.  However, don’t feel it has to be done in that week.  I often found my most successful awareness weeks were off the back of something else that had happened in the news or in school as students had a real purpose to relate them to.


  1. Resource Gathering


Compile a repository of resources – videos, articles, activities – catering to various age groups and learning styles.


  1. Collaborative Planning


Involve teachers, parents, and students in the planning process. Each stakeholder offers a unique perspective and can contribute significantly.


  1. Continuous Learning


While the awareness week has a start and end date, the learning shouldn’t. Integrate insights from the week into the curriculum, school culture, and policies.


So, intrepid explorers, as we roll up our treasure maps and bask in the glow of newfound gems, remember that awareness weeks aren’t just about a seven-day spotlight. They’re about long-lasting change, understanding, and inclusivity. Until our next adventurous rendezvous, may your awareness campaigns shine bright and your schools be beacons of empathy and understanding!

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