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Measuring Small Step Progress – B Squared

by | May 13, 2023

Measuring Small Step Progress – B Squared

by | May 13, 2023

Celebrating Every Milestone: B Squared’s Approach to SEN Assessment

Introducing Small Step Progress with B Squared

Dale Pickles provided an insightful overview of B Squared’s leadership in SEN assessment, focusing on the significance of their Small Step Progress approach. He illustrated how this method is vital for recognizing and celebrating the achievements of SEN students, emphasizing personalized progress tracking.

The Power of Connecting Steps

The webinar highlighted Connecting Steps, B Squared’s flexible assessment tool, designed to save educators time while ensuring precise tracking of pupil progress. Dale discussed how this tool, accessible via web browsers and iPad apps, has empowered schools worldwide to monitor the development of their SEN students effectively.

Tracking Progress with Primary Steps

Dale introduced Primary Steps, a framework tailored for students working below age-related expectations. This part of the session detailed how teachers could capture the smallest achievements, facilitating a deeper understanding of each pupil’s learning journey and subsequent next steps.

Comprehensive Assessment Frameworks

The discussion expanded on the variety of frameworks offered by B Squared, including Early Steps for younger pupils and Progression Steps for detailed assessment guidance. Dale explained how these tools enable educators to document and showcase the nuanced progress of SEN students.

Utilising Data to Inform Teaching

A key takeaway from the webinar was the importance of leveraging the detailed data from assessments to set meaningful targets and tailor instruction. Dale emphasized how accurate assessments lead to informed teaching strategies that meet the unique needs of each student.

Empowering Educators and Students

The session concluded with a call to action for educators to embrace B Squared’s assessment tools to unlock the potential of every SEN student. Dale’s passion for enhancing educational outcomes through detailed and personalized assessment shone throughout the webinar, leaving participants inspired to adopt the Small Step Progress approach in their practices.

This engaging session with Dale Pickles offered a comprehensive look at how B Squared’s innovative assessment methods can revolutionize SEN education, highlighting the importance of acknowledging and celebrating every step of student progress.