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Parental Involvement in Target Setting

by | Aug 2, 2023

Parental Involvement in Target Setting

In today’s educational landscape, parental involvement plays a pivotal role in shaping the academic success of students. One area where this involvement has proven to be crucial is the target-setting process. Target setting, or goal-setting, is an essential aspect of student development and progress monitoring. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the significance of parental involvement in the target-setting process, explore effective communication strategies between parents and educators, and highlight the advantages of collaborative goal-setting for students with Special Educational Needs (SEN).

The Importance of Parental Involvement in Target Setting

Setting academic targets is not solely the responsibility of educators; parents are valuable partners in this process. When parents actively participate in their child’s education, they provide essential support and encouragement, leading to improved outcomes. The engagement of parents in target setting demonstrates a shared commitment to a child’s learning journey, fostering a positive and motivating environment.

Parental involvement can take various forms, such as attending parent-teacher conferences, reviewing progress reports, and engaging in discussions about academic goals. When parents and educators work together, they gain a holistic understanding of the student’s strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations. This collaboration allows for more realistic and tailored targets to be set, boosting the student’s confidence and sense of direction.

Effective Communication Between Parents and Educators

Clear and consistent communication between parents and educators is the cornerstone of successful target setting. To ensure that academic goals are aligned and achievable, both parties must be transparent about their expectations and concerns. Here are some tips for fostering effective communication:

1. Regular Meetings and Check-ins

Scheduling regular meetings and check-ins between parents and educators is fundamental. These meetings provide opportunities to discuss the student’s progress, identify challenges, and celebrate achievements. Whether through face-to-face meetings or virtual platforms, consistent communication helps build a strong partnership.

2.Utilising Technology

Embracing technology can enhance communication between parents and educators. Online portals, email updates, and educational apps allow real-time access to academic updates, making it easier for parents to stay informed and engaged.

3.Active Listening

Active listening is a critical skill for both parents and educators. Each party must attentively understand the other’s perspective and concerns. By empathising and acknowledging each other’s viewpoints, they can collaborate effectively to set meaningful targets.

4. Setting Realistic Expectations

Openly discussing the student’s abilities and challenges helps set realistic expectations. By recognising the student’s strengths and areas for improvement, parents and educators can work together to create achievable targets that promote growth and progress.

Collaborative Goal-Setting for Students with SEN

For students with Special Educational Needs (SEN), collaborative goal-setting becomes even more vital. These students may have unique learning requirements, and their targets should be tailored to accommodate their individual needs. Here are the benefits of involving parents in setting targets for students with SEN:

1.Personalised Support

Parents possess valuable insights into their child’s abilities and preferences. Involving them in target setting ensures that the student receives personalised support and accommodations, leading to a more inclusive learning experience.

2. Consistent Support Across Settings

When parents are active participants in the target-setting process, they can reinforce learning strategies at home. This consistency across home and school environments can significantly impact a student’s progress and overall development.

3. Empowerment and Advocacy

Engaging parents in setting targets empowers them to advocate for their child’s needs. They become partners in decision-making, advocating for necessary resources and support to help their child thrive academically and socially.

4. Strengthening the Parent-Educator Relationship

Collaborative goal-setting enhances the parent-educator relationship. It fosters mutual respect, trust, and a shared commitment to the student’s success. As a result, the student receives comprehensive support from all stakeholders involved in their education.


In conclusion, parental involvement in the target-setting process is undeniably essential for students’ academic growth and success. By engaging in open and constructive communication, parents and educators can work together to create meaningful and achievable goals. For students with SEN, this collaborative approach becomes even more critical, as it ensures that their unique needs are met.

The benefits of parental involvement in target setting extend beyond the academic realm. They contribute to the development of well-rounded individuals who are confident, motivated, and empowered to pursue their aspirations. Embracing parental involvement in target setting is a testament to the commitment of schools and educators to nurturing the potential of every student.

“As the architects of their child’s future, parents’ active participation in target setting harmonises aspirations and reality, fortifying the educational journey with unwavering support. In this partnership, dreams take flight, and obstacles melt away, forging a collective commitment to personalised success.”

Parental involvement for Setting targets for SEN pupils
Abigail Hawkins FCCT

Abigail Hawkins FCCT

Director of SENDCO Solutions

Abigail Hawkins was a SENCO for over 25 years and has worked with pupils with all types of needs.  Abigail has worked with Ed-Tech companies on developing their software and also been chair of governors for a multi-academy trust. Abigail now runs SENsible SENCO and SENDCO Solutions, with the aim of working with SENCOs and inclusion leaders across the UK to improve their support for SEND pupils. See our school services for more information.

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