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SENCO and Teacher Partnerships: Collaborating for Success

by | Apr 8, 2023

SENCO and SENCO and Teacher Partnerships: Collaborating for Success

As an educator, you understand the importance of working collaboratively with other professionals in order to help students succeed. This is especially true for Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) and teachers. By working together, SENCOs and teachers can create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students, including those with additional needs.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of SENCO and teacher partnerships, discuss effective strategies for collaboration, and provide examples of successful partnerships in action.

Understanding SENCO and Teacher Partnerships

SENCOs are responsible for ensuring that students with additional needs receive the support and accommodations they require to succeed in school. This includes identifying students who require additional support, working with teachers to create individual education plans (IEPs), and providing ongoing support and guidance to both students and teachers.

Teachers, on the other hand, are responsible for delivering the curriculum and ensuring that all students are able to access and engage with the material. This can be challenging when students have additional needs, which is where SENCOs can provide invaluable support and expertise.

By working together, SENCOs and teachers can create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students. This can lead to improved academic outcomes, increased confidence and self-esteem, and a more positive school experience for students with additional needs.

SENCO & Teacher Partnerships: Strategies for Collaboration

In order to create effective partnerships, SENCOs and teachers must be committed to working together and willing to share their expertise and resources. Here are some strategies that can help facilitate collaboration:

Regular communication

Regular communication is key to any successful partnership. SENCOs and teachers should schedule regular meetings to discuss student progress, share concerns, and provide feedback. This can be done in person, over the phone, or via email.

Shared goals and responsibilities

SENCOs and teachers should work together to identify shared goals and responsibilities. This may include developing and implementing IEPs, creating differentiated lesson plans, and providing ongoing support and accommodations to students.

Professional development

Both SENCOs and teachers should engage in ongoing professional development to stay up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in the field. This can include attending conferences, workshops, and training sessions together.

Flexibility and adaptability

Collaboration requires flexibility and adaptability. SENCOs and teachers should be willing to adjust their plans and strategies as needed in order to meet the changing needs of their students.

Successful SENCO and Teacher Partnerships in Action

Example 1: Supporting a student with dyslexia

A SENCO and a teacher worked together to support a student with dyslexia. The SENCO provided the teacher with resources and strategies for supporting the student’s reading and writing skills, while the teacher implemented these strategies in the classroom. The student’s reading and writing skills improved significantly as a result.

Example 2: Creating a sensory-friendly classroom

A SENCO and a teacher worked together to create a sensory-friendly classroom for a student with autism. They identified the student’s triggers and created a calming and predictable environment that helped the student feel more comfortable and engaged in learning. This approach also benefited other students who were sensitive to sensory input.

Example 3: Supporting a student with ADHD

A SENCO and a teacher worked together to support a student with ADHD. They developed a personalised plan that included frequent breaks, movement breaks, and visual aids to help the student stay focused and engaged in class. The student’s grades and behaviour improved significantly as a result.


SENCO and teacher partnerships are essential for creating a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students. By working together and sharing their expertise and resources, SENCO and teachers can help students with additional needs to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. Effective collaboration requires regular communication, shared goals and responsibilities, ongoing professional development, and flexibility and adaptability.

Successful partnerships can take many forms, from supporting students with dyslexia to creating sensory-friendly classrooms to developing personalised plans for students with ADHD. By working together, SENCOs and teachers can make a positive difference in the lives of their students.



1. What is a SENCO?
A SENCO is a Special Educational Needs Coordinator, responsible for ensuring that students with additional needs receive the support and accommodations they require to succeed in school.

2. What is the role of a teacher in SENCO and teacher partnerships?
Teachers work with SENCOs to create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students, including those with additional needs. They deliver the curriculum and ensure that all students are able to access and engage with the material.

3. How can SENCOs and teachers work together to support students with additional needs?
SENCOs and teachers can work together to create and implement individual education plans (IEPs), develop differentiated lesson plans, provide ongoing support and accommodations, and engage in regular communication and feedback.

4. What are some benefits of SENCO and teacher partnerships?
SENCO and teacher partnerships can lead to improved academic outcomes, increased confidence and self-esteem, and a more positive school experience for students with additional needs.

5. How can schools support and promote SENCO and teacher partnerships?
Schools can support SENCO and teacher partnerships by providing professional development opportunities, creating a culture of collaboration and communication, and allocating resources and support to help SENCOs and teachers work together effectively.

Additionally, schools can prioritise the importance of SENCOs and teachers working together by allocating time during staff meetings for collaboration, providing resources for professional development, and recognising and celebrating successful partnerships.
It is important to remember that SENCO and teacher partnerships are not only beneficial for students with additional needs, but for all students. By creating a more inclusive and supportive learning environment, all students can benefit from the strategies and accommodations put in place to support those with additional needs.

SENCO and teacher partnerships are essential for creating a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students. Collaboration requires regular communication, shared goals and responsibilities, ongoing professional development, and flexibility and adaptability. Successful partnerships can take many forms, and can make a positive difference in the lives of students with additional needs. Schools can support and promote SENCO and teacher partnerships by providing resources, recognising successful partnerships, and prioritising the importance of collaboration.

Abigail Hawkins FCCT

Abigail Hawkins FCCT

Director of SENDCO Solutions

Abigail Hawkins was a SENCO for over 25 years and has worked with pupils with all types of needs.  Abigail has worked with Ed-Tech companies on developing their software and also been chair of governors for a multi-academy trust. Abigail now runs SENsible SENCO and SENDCO Solutions, with the aim of working with SENCOs and inclusion leaders across the UK to improve their support for SEND pupils. See our school services for more information.

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