SENsible SENCO | A Safe Place for SENCOs


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Supporting SENCOs with a whole school approach to SEND

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Welcome to our SENCO news and updates series, where we’ll keep you up-to-date with the latest developments, trends, and best practices in the world of Special Educational Needs Coordination. If you’re a SENsible SENCO member, you get even more amazing help, advice and insights when you log in.

Peer Support and Social Integration in SEND Transitions

Peer Support and Social Integration in SEND Transitions

Learn how peer support, including buddy systems and social integration strategies, can significantly improve SEND pupils’ school transitions. Discover the benefits of fostering a supportive peer environment and how it enhances social skills, learning, and overall school enjoyment.

SEND Transitions: Preparing for the Christmas Break

SEND Transitions: Preparing for the Christmas Break

Discover effective strategies for maintaining routines and preparing pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) for the Christmas break. Understand the unique challenges of the holiday period and learn how to create visual schedules, practice holiday routines, consider sensory needs, engage in activities, and collaborate with parents to ensure a comfortable and joyful festive season for SEND pupils.

Classroom Transitions: Ensuring SEND Pupil Comfort

Classroom Transitions: Ensuring SEND Pupil Comfort

Discover effective techniques for creating smoother transitions within the classroom setting for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Learn about the impact of transitions on SEND pupils, sensory considerations, and insights from experienced teachers. Implement these strategies to provide a supportive environment and enhance the learning experience for SEND pupils during transitions.

Daily Transitions: Smooth SEND Integration from Home to School

Daily Transitions: Smooth SEND Integration from Home to School

Explore effective strategies for creating smooth transitions from home to school for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Learn about the importance of consistent morning routines, home-school communication, and the practical use of visual aids and schedules. Discover how these strategies can provide stability and enhance the daily school experience for SEND pupils.

Transition Strategies for SEND Pupils: Year Group Advancements

Transition Strategies for SEND Pupils: Year Group Advancements

Discover effective strategies for successful year group transitions tailored for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Learn about the importance of collaboration between teachers, parents, and students in the transition process. Explore practical tips and guidance to make year group advancements a positive and confidence-building experience for SEND pupils.

Navigating the Journey: Understanding SEND Transitions

Navigating the Journey: Understanding SEND Transitions

Explore the significance of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) transitions in the first installment of our series. Learn how effective transition planning fosters resilience and academic success for SEND pupils. Discover key elements of transition planning and strategies for success. Join us on this journey to enhance your approach and support SEND pupils effectively.