SENsible SENCO | A Safe Place for SENCOs


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Supporting SENCOs with a whole school approach to SEND

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Play Included and Brick-by-Brick, a Lego Therapy Company

Play Included and Lego Therapy – A Brick-by-Brick programme Play Included C.I.C. is at the forefront of delivering innovative training and resources through their Brick-by-Brick® program, focusing on LEGO brick-based therapy. What sets Play Included apart is...

Building Connections: Enhancing Wellbeing Through LEGO Play for Neurodivergent Children

Reflecting on LEGO Play’s Impact on Neurodivergent Children Insights from LEGO Therapy: Unlocking Potential In our recent session, we delved into the transformative role of LEGO play in neurodivergent children’s development. We explored the therapeutic benefits...