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Supporting SENCOs with a whole school approach to SEND

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Empowering Learners with Disabilities: The Superhero Approach of Explicit Strategy Instruction

Introduction: Inclusive education embodies the principle of affording everyone an equal opportunity to learn, including individuals with disabilities. However, learners with disabilities may require additional support in building cognitive skills. Explicit strategy...

Enhancing Metacognition through Peer Tutoring: A Dual Approach to Learning

Introduction: Peer tutoring programs have gained significant popularity in educational settings, offering a promising avenue for enhancing learning and academic achievement. These programs pair students of varying abilities, with one student taking on the role of...

Fostering Resilience Through Reflective Practice Children with Emotional Behavioural Difficulties

Introduction: Reflective practice stands as a beacon of hope for children grappling with emotional and behavioural difficulties, providing them with the means to not only understand but also navigate and master their internal world within the educational sphere....